Podcast: 04/09/2020
35, Season 2
Giles Morgan
at the Captain's table
Lawrence Dallaglio

Are you not entertained?

Podcast: 04/09/2020
35, Season 2
Giles Morgan
at the Captain's table
Lawrence Dallaglio

From the boardroom to the locker rooms, sport catches imagination like little else. In this podcast we talk to the men and women, who make the big decisions and those who make the big plays to find where sport is; and, importantly, where it is going. We do so for the only eyes that matter: those of the fan!

Season 2, Episode 35.

Giles “The Captain” Morgan welcomes aboard retired England Rugby Captain and Rugby World Cup winner, Lawrence Dallaglio. Together they muse the true meaning of sport, what it means to be a fan of EVERYTHING sport, and an insight into what was ultimately the best day of sport Lawrence has ever witnessed. Pour some grog, sit back, and enjoy a truly special half hour at the Captain’s Table.