because tomorrow won’t be like

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Albachiara literally means “new dawn”.
In 2001, just after the dotcom bust, it felt very much like that. The digital revolution had for sure started, but had lost all sense of equilibrium.
It was time for a new kind of company.
So, at the start of the millennium, a small band of corporate C-suite guys started what they hoped would be a new kind of company. One that would take advantage of the sharing economy, the gig economy, the virtual organization, the disintermediation of work. Oh, Skype and Easyjet certainly helped!
After nearly 25 years of work, we can state to have indeed created a knowledge company, whose offerings have been developed along a path scattered with diverse experiences, remarkable people, unusual talents, ongoing learning, sliding doors, and a fair bit of success.
Our story is what we are now, what we do and how we do it… and we’d suggest that it is a pretty decent story!

We are international and cross-cultural.
Curiosity is the common denominator, pushing us all from our place of birth young, and we have met many very different souls across our journey.
Countries like USA, China, Japan, Switzerland, Italy, Uk, France, Germany, working for companies like Virgin, WPP, Ferrari, Marlboro, Leo Burnett, meeting people like Dario Fo, Gigi Proietti, Alec Ferguson, Roberto Baggio, Jim Kerr, Michael Schumacher, Max Biaggi, George Michael, Rolling Stones, David Bowie, Jasper Morrison, and more.
That informs your character, and what we like to call pathos. It has been essential to what we offer and teach now. More than we ever realized at the time.
Curiosity is the common denominator, pushing us all from our place of birth young, and we have met many very different souls across our journey.
Countries like USA, China, Japan, Switzerland, Italy, Uk, France, Germany, working for companies like Virgin, WPP, Ferrari, Marlboro, Leo Burnett, meeting people like Dario Fo, Gigi Proietti, Alec Ferguson, Roberto Baggio, Jim Kerr, Michael Schumacher, Max Biaggi, George Michael, Rolling Stones, David Bowie, Jasper Morrison, and more.
That informs your character, and what we like to call pathos. It has been essential to what we offer and teach now. More than we ever realized at the time.

We know a lot about content creation, monetization models, and distribution.
The Albachiara story, our story, is the history of these industries: we have had, and still have, a front row seat in the evolution of journalism, entertainment, music and sport.
A distribution model of bundled packages like newspapers, LPs, PayTV being ripped apart by technology. Napster, digital publishing, direct-to-consumer, unbundling, OverTheTop. Analogue to “free”, back to “paid subscription”.
A marketing model evolved from the Marlboro Man to influencers, from TV / Cinema / Outdoor / Press to social platforms and digital publishers.
We lived all of that! Some examples being Il Messaggero, Philip Morris, F1&Motorsport, BBC, SPL, WPP, EMI, Pearson, IMG, De Agostini, Cartoon Network, Juventus, Inter.
The Albachiara story, our story, is the history of these industries: we have had, and still have, a front row seat in the evolution of journalism, entertainment, music and sport.
A distribution model of bundled packages like newspapers, LPs, PayTV being ripped apart by technology. Napster, digital publishing, direct-to-consumer, unbundling, OverTheTop. Analogue to “free”, back to “paid subscription”.
A marketing model evolved from the Marlboro Man to influencers, from TV / Cinema / Outdoor / Press to social platforms and digital publishers.
We lived all of that! Some examples being Il Messaggero, Philip Morris, F1&Motorsport, BBC, SPL, WPP, EMI, Pearson, IMG, De Agostini, Cartoon Network, Juventus, Inter.

Change management is our underpinning expertise.
We’ve experienced directly how only the paranoid survive!
The status quo really isn’t an option. By now, everything is a form of change management; the management of people, their fears and ambitions; their competences. The modern leader is a transformative creature, in an environment where the pace of transformative change is exponential.
We like to think that we can use our knowledge and experience to act as a guide.
We’ve experienced directly how only the paranoid survive!
The status quo really isn’t an option. By now, everything is a form of change management; the management of people, their fears and ambitions; their competences. The modern leader is a transformative creature, in an environment where the pace of transformative change is exponential.
We like to think that we can use our knowledge and experience to act as a guide.

We love start-ups, scale-ups, innovation and disruption.
Our investments: Vipera in fintech; Base79 and GiveMeSport in publishing; Iosport in quant sport data; Aura and Horizm in sport content and delivery; Zone7 in AI performance; in motion capture. Think Louder in creative technology and music management.
We are risk takers. We invest in people.
Our bank of knowledge grows with them.
We are definitely a knowledge company.

Our investments: Vipera in fintech; Base79 and GiveMeSport in publishing; Iosport in quant sport data; Aura and Horizm in sport content and delivery; Zone7 in AI performance; in motion capture. Think Louder in creative technology and music management.
We are risk takers. We invest in people.
Our bank of knowledge grows with them.
We are definitely a knowledge company.

We develop talents.
We have found fertile ground in the transfer of all this knowledge to companies wanting to change and improve. Didactic, coaching, mentoring, of both the young and the experienced.
In the age of AI and robotics, we put the human at the centre. Finding solutions requires perspective, soft skills. In short, we deeply believe in the return of the polymath.
Coming from the creative industries, we see communication through the use of sequential arts, the ancient masters of philosophy, musicians and actors. The fascinating worlds of theatre, cinema and advertising informing the best way to lead. Creatively. Uniquely.
We are pretty effective and powerful at this. We want to leave a mark, avoiding the theory blurb and bringing it alive through outstanding business people into the classroom. We limit our e-learning pills to the basic know-how in preparation of a frontend class which is all about acquiring relevant information, useful technical tools, professional and proven processes. Our learning is based on lots of interaction through engaging workshops and revealing role-playing, special guests and unusual locations.
Our work is consistently evaluated the best among our clients’ existing or past learning suppliers.
We stay connected with most participants and we follow and support each other. Often our professional paths meet again and the circle, magically, closes.
We have found fertile ground in the transfer of all this knowledge to companies wanting to change and improve. Didactic, coaching, mentoring, of both the young and the experienced.
In the age of AI and robotics, we put the human at the centre. Finding solutions requires perspective, soft skills. In short, we deeply believe in the return of the polymath.
Coming from the creative industries, we see communication through the use of sequential arts, the ancient masters of philosophy, musicians and actors. The fascinating worlds of theatre, cinema and advertising informing the best way to lead. Creatively. Uniquely.
We are pretty effective and powerful at this. We want to leave a mark, avoiding the theory blurb and bringing it alive through outstanding business people into the classroom. We limit our e-learning pills to the basic know-how in preparation of a frontend class which is all about acquiring relevant information, useful technical tools, professional and proven processes. Our learning is based on lots of interaction through engaging workshops and revealing role-playing, special guests and unusual locations.
Our work is consistently evaluated the best among our clients’ existing or past learning suppliers.
We stay connected with most participants and we follow and support each other. Often our professional paths meet again and the circle, magically, closes.

Conclusion: We are attracted to and by talent.
We work with highly capable partners and virtual teams to create tailored added value. Flexible and adaptable.
To cherry pick the best minds without the burden of fixed costs.

This is us. This is Albachiara
Consultancy reinvented into nurturing talent,
building and transferring know-how, to grasp any opportunity today’s digital economy
is offering to the bold,
who dare to face change.