Podcast: 07/25/2024
Episode: 6, Season 7
Host/s: Roger Mitchell
Giles Morgan and Grant Williams
Guest/s: John Skipper
Show: The Groundsmen Conversations

Are you not entertained?

Podcast: 07/25/2024
Episode: 6, Season 7
Host/s: Roger Mitchell
Giles Morgan and Grant Williams
Guest/s: John Skipper
Show: The Groundsmen Conversations

From the boardroom to the locker rooms, sport catches imagination like little else. In this podcast we talk to the men and women, who make the big decisions and those who make the big plays to find where sport is; and, importantly, where it is going. We do so, for the only eyes that matter: those of the fan!

Season 7 Episode 6. The Groundsmen today host the doyen of the sport media sector:John Skipper, the former of ESPN and DAZN. He talks about why sport explains the world and will always be of true value. Do not miss this one.

Thanks to Web3 Sports Ventures.