Podcast: 11/26/2018
6 Part 1
Roger Mitchell
Grant Williams
Goal - Own Goal

Are you not entertained?

Podcast: 11/26/2018
6 Part 1
Roger Mitchell
Grant Williams
Goal - Own Goal
Are You Not Entertained?

Today, much of what sport has always meant to true fans has been lost in a blizzard of corporate communications, fireworks and froth.The attachments that were once so strong seem more trivial in the global age of televised sport as entertainment. What was once authentic is increasingly staged. In this podcast, we’ll get back to the things that sport has always meant to true fans.

Episode 6 – Part 1: Roger and Grant discuss the dignity of boxing and a new golden age with Dazn; Lowrys and the PFA, why Scudamore is worth every penny, and paying to go to the stadium to NOT see the game. We sample,  pregame, the wisdom of guest Steve Martin MC Saatchi.