sàndor von mallasz
2 April 2019

Who is really rocking the music biz today?

sàndor von mallasz
2 April 2019

The real problem of modern record companies nowadays is not what we often hear about: the lack of amazing artists, of big numbers, of big margins…

The real problem is the lack of great,
visionary pioneers and leaders.


When I started in this business, everybody knew the names of the people who were shaping it.

But who are the Big Boys right now?

Where is the new Clive Davis?

The new Ahmet Ertegun?

Where are the modern Gordy, Bogart, Yetnikoff, Geffen, Azoff, Branson?

The thought of geeks and algorithms shaping the contemporary pop culture and the taste of music audiences makes me shiver…

Luckily there is one top manager, who is trying to create a completely new type of music industry, and that’s Willard Ahdritz, the founder of Kobalt.

There’s a difference between talking the talk and walking the walk” – Willard Ahdritz on Kobalt’s publishing revolution

Undoubtedly the most modern music company around, Kobalt is where tech is used to artists’ and music’s advantage and doesn’t rule the show, because only talent can do that.

Music is art, intuition and guts.


Let’s put it in the hands of people who love and have respect for it.

Otherwise nothing will ever change.